This is a handful of videos, some featuring john, most not, as well as other things you might find helpful.
So many great inspirational talks out there, here's a few faves:
Brene Brown has lots to say that is challenging in life, and work. Try this one
Who has the time? These are some of my influences and helpful reads:
Let My People go Surfing from the founder of Patagonia. An insightful commentary on what principled planet-focused leadership really means.
Reinventing Organisations by Frederic Laloulx. A radical rethink on how to organise a business :https://www.reinventingorganizations.com/
Stolen Focus by Johann Hari will likely disturb you, and give you some perspective on your ability to concentrate. https://stolenfocusbook.com/
The Sibling Society by Robert Bly Overlooked in its time but way ahead of it's day. A call to 'grow up' and take responsibility.
Land Healer by Jake Fiennes I like most of the raft of 'regenerative faming' books coming out as he strikes a conscious balance between nature, profit and food-production.
Wounded Leaders by Nick Duffell is an insightful take on the psychological profile of the UK's elite in an increasingly complex and interdependent world. https://woundedleaders.co.uk/
Human Kind by Rutger Bregman debunks popular theories of self interested economically rational humans positing instead that kindness and generosity is our true nature. A truly hopeful read. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/52879286-humankind
The Climate Book by Great Thunberg Full of data and expert articles, perfect for dipping,
Not mindfulness, but mind- emptiness might help in these distracted times.
Check these short starter meditations from Burgs.